검색 팝업창


    Acoustic [WaterLinked] DVL PD6 string output 추가
    2022.06.20 10:43
    • 작성자 관리자
    • 조회 897



    Product Update

    DVL A50 & A125 

    PD6 String Output





    You talk to us - We hear you


    Discussing new product updates with you, our existing and future customers, is critical to ensuring we continue to strive to meet the requirements of all customers. For this very reason we have added the PD6 string as an optional output on both the A50 and A125 DVL.




    PD6 - What is it and who is it for?


    With the latest DVL software update, 2.2.1, users are now able to also utilise the newly developed PD6 string output. This PD6 compatible data string comprises all relevant data that's available from the Water Linked DVL.

    This software update is designed to make the A50 and A125 DVLs even more versatile than before. For users who utilize systems already configured to accept a PD6 string, this update allows a quick and easy integration of the A50 or A125 DVL.

    Use the output you prefer


    Up until software version 2.2.1, the Water Linked protocol has been the sole method of transferring data from our DVLs. Although we still recommend using the Water Linked protocol, we know many of you don't require such tight integration and could possibly benefit from an existing interface that you may have.

