검색 팝업창


    AR Modular RF


    The Model AR-55L is a portable, RF booster amplifier Tactical Radio equipment employing legacy, proprietary and emerging waveforms.
    AR-55L 50 Watts PEP, 1.2 - 1.9 GHz, Tx/Rx Booster Amplifier.  Download Full Data Sheet   The Model AR-55L is a portable, RF booster amplifier Tactical Radio equipment employing legacy, proprietary and emerging waveforms. The amplifiers cover the frequency band of 1.2 to 1.9GHz with high speed auto switching TR detection circuits and a low pass output filter to assure good harmonic suppression. The unit is designed for use with modern networking formats like ANW2, WNW and SRW. The amplifiers include 24V vehicle power supply Voltage Spike and noise Suppression DC line filter, RF sensing, T/R switching, Automatic Level Control (ALC), and protection against antenna mismatch and over-temperature. Protection against accidental polarity reversal is provided. The amplifiers are comprised of rugged 2-piece aluminum case. Optional interface coaxial cables and shock mounting plate are available.