검색 팝업창


    Rack Mount Amplifiers


    The Model KAW2020M16 is a Class AB wideband RF power amplifier delivering in excess of 100 Watts into a 50-Ohm load over the frequency range of 220 MHz to 245 MHz.
    KAW2020-M16 100 Watts, 220 - 245 MHz, RF Amplifier, 19" Rack Mount  Download Full Data Sheet   The Model KAW2020M16 is a Class AB wideband RF power amplifier delivering in excess of 100 Watts into a 50-Ohm load over the frequency range of 220 MHz to 245 MHz. The system features forward and reflected power indication on a front panel-mounted analog meter; over-drive protection; full VSWR protection, over-temperature protection, over-voltage, and over-current. System is CW rated with fast keying option. The Model KAW2020M16 is a 19-inch rack-mount unit, 3.5 inches high and 20 inches deep. Construction is completely modular; all subassemblies are readily removable. The amplifier operates from 100-240 VAC, 47-63 Hz line.