검색 팝업창


    AR Modular RF


    The Model AR-20HC2 is a portable, lightweight, RF booster. The AR-20HC2 produces 20 Watts from a nominal 2 Watts CW/PEP radio input and covers the frequency band of 300-500 MHz.
    AR-20HC2 20 Watts PEP, 300 - 512 MHz, Tx/Rx Booster Amplifier.  Download Full Data Sheet   The Model AR-20HC2 is a portable, lightweight, RF booster. The AR-20HC2 produces 20 Watts from a nominal 2 Watts CW/PEP radio input and covers the frequency band of 300-500 MHz. The unit is designed for use with the FSK and other latest modern networking formats like ANW2C and SRW. It also includes Voltage Spike Suppression, Over Temperature Protection, RF sensing T/R Switching, Harmonic Filters, Co-Site Filtering, lightning protection, and protection against antenna mismatch