검색 팝업창


    High Power / Low Noise Amplfier

    Switching Matrices

    There are several different ways to approach the implementation of a switching matrix. ERZIA focuses on the use of solid-state switches, combined with filtering and amplification stages, to design and manufacture compact and reliable units.




    There are several different ways to approach the implementation of a switching matrix. ERZIA focuses on the use of solid-state switches, combined with filtering and amplification stages, to design and manufacture compact and reliable units.

    Typical switching matrix topologies are available, as well as mixed types with fully custom routing and switching capabilities and functionalities like phase shifting, variable amplification, specific band selection or built-in test features.

    Typical uses are airborne EW systems.

    RF Bands: 

    Channels from DC up to 100+ GHz
    Wideband (20+ GHz)

    Key Technologies: 

    Suspended Substrate filters
    Microstrip integration
    FPGA fast processing
    Solid State Switches