검색 팝업창




    Tactical Grade IMU/AHRS


    The IMX-5™ is a 10-DOF sensor module consisting of a tactical grade Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), magnetometer, and barometer. Output includes angular rate, linear acceleration, magnetic vector, and barometric pressure and altitude. IMU calibration consists of bias, scale factor, cross-axis alignment, and temperature compensation. 

    The IMX-5™ includes Attitude Heading Reference System (AHRS) sensor fusion to estimate roll, pitch, and heading. Adding GNSS input to the IMX-5 enables onboard Inertial Navigation System (INS) sensor fusion for roll, pitch, heading, velocity, and position.


    • Tactical Grade IMU
    • Gyro: 1.5 °/hr Bias Instability, 0.16 °/√hr ARW
    • Accel: 19 µg Bias Instability, 0.02 m/s/√hr VRW
    • 0.04° Dynamic Roll/Pitch
      0.13° Dynamic Heading
    • Surface Mount Reflowable (PCB Module)
    • Fast Integration with SDK and Example Software
    • Data Logging (SDK and Application Software)